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Race Rules

The 1993-96 International Yacht Racing Rules, as adopted by USYRU will govern. Racing yachts shall use spinnakers unless otherwise agreed upon at the skipper’s meeting. Spinnaker poles or Whisper poles may be used to pole out the jib provided that: 1) the pole is equal to or less than the foretriangle base dimension of the yacht, 2) the pole is used only on the side of the yacht opposite the boom, 3) the inboard end of the pole is attached to the mast.
The 720 rule is in effect, (as provided in rule 74.5 and appendix 3,) and shall apply in all infringements of a rule.

IYRU Rule 20.1 and 21 are waived for this event.

Electronic devices and navigational aids, such as Loran, Omni, Radar, etc. will be allowed in the interest of safety. However radio and telephone are not to be used for the purpose of acquiring information that affords a participant in this race an advantage over competitors.

The Boon Island Race is open to all yachts with auxiliary power which are equipped according to PHRF Fleet by-laws (1987 version) requiring boat design features and minimum general equipment list, and category 2 safety equipment. Yachts are subject to inspection at the discretion of the race committee and may be disqualified for failing to meet these standards. All yachts not holding current PHRF certificates will be assigned a rating by the Race Committee based on most recent USYRU PHRF Handicaps book.
IYRU Fundamental Rule B.  “ It shall be the sole responsibility of each racing yacht owner or captain to decide whether or not to start or continue to race”.
Race will be in pursuit format. Starting times assigned at the skippers meeting based on handicap adjustment.
Individual or general recalls will be signaled by a defined shape from the committee boat and sounding of a long blast. The race committee will attempt to notify any individual premature start on VHF Channel 72 or other as discussed at skippers meeting.
Protest must be received in written form by the race committee with-in ½ hr. of last boat returning to A.Y.C.
At the discretion of the race committee, penalties other than disqualification may be assessed, as per appendix 3, Part 2.
A Time limit of 8 hours to complete the race is in force. Therefore in the event that the first boat does not cross the finish line in the 8 hour limit, the race will be called-off and rescheduled.

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 51 Ocean Avenue,  PO Box 328,  Kennebunkport,  Maine   04046       

207-967-3060       ©2024 by Arundel Yacht Club

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