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"Ropewalk" Rental Guidelines & Agreement


The Board of Governors is happy to offer members the opportunity to rent the Ropewalk for private functions. Such rentals are limited, however, so all members can freely access the Ropewalk throughout the season. The club operates normally during private functions so members may still come and go as they please. The following guidelines govern the rental of the Ropewalk for private functions:

   Rental FAQ's

Who can rent?

Only AYC members in good standing can rent the Ropewalk. A private function is defined as any group of 20 or more persons OR any size function that involves a caterer. Private functions may not exceed 100 people. Members may not combine groups of 20 to achieve larger attendance without renting the Ropewalk. Weddings and wedding receptions are further limited to when the bride or groom is a member of the host’s immediate family. For example, a member can rent the Ropewalk for a son or a daughter but not for a niece, nephew, cousin, etc.


When can a member rent the Ropewalk?

Private rental functions can be scheduled between 0900 and 2200 within these time frames:

April & May: Any day after the Spring Work Day until the Thursday before Memorial Day

June: Mondays thru Thursdays

July & August: No private functions

September & October: Tuesday after Labor Day thru the weekend before Fall Work Day


What does it cost to rent the Ropewalk?

The cost of rentals depends on attendance. For parties of 21 to 50, the fee is $250. For parties of 51 to 100, the fee is $500. There is also an additional security deposit of $100. Payment in full, including the security deposit, is due at the time the member applies for a rental. Payment must be made by the host member. If the member fully complies with these guidelines, the security deposit will be refunded after the event.


What about parking?

By limiting private rentals to the time frames outlined above, the Board has minimized the impact of a private function on the normal parking needs of the club. There is ample space for a caterer to unload and reload as needed. In addition, there are Reserved Parking signs available for use during a private function. To arrange for the use of these signs, contact the current chair of the club’s Ways & Means Committee.


Can I serve alcohol at my private function?

Alcohol can only be served at a private function if it is provided and served by a caterer who holds a state liquor license and obtains a town license for your specific event. Private functions may not be BYOB.


What other guidelines apply to Ropewalk Rental?

  • Host Member must be in attendance for the entire function including clean-up. The host member is expected to secure the building at the end of his/her event.

  • The club’s dishes, cookware, serving platters, paper goods, etc. are not available for use at private functions. These items are to be provided by the host or the caterer.

  • It is the responsibility of the host member to ensure that the Ropewalk and the club’s grounds are returned to the condition they were in before the rental began. If this cannot be accomplished the night of the event, clean up must be completed by 0800 the following day. The Club Manager and stewards will arrive at that time and should not be expected to assist in cleaning up the private function.

  • In the event the club is not in satisfactory condition by 0800 the day after the private function, the member’s $100 security deposit will be forfeited. The Board of Governors reserves the right to assess additional fees to the host member for breach of the Ropewalk Rental Agreement.

  • It is not the responsibility of Club employees to assist with set up or cleanup of private functions. The Club Manager will determine on a case by case basis if club employees can assist before, during or after an event.

  • No smoking is allowed in or on AYC premises.

  • No open flames are allowed. This prohibits the use of candles, torches, luminaries, etc. Tealights/Votive candles and tapers can only be used if enclosed in fireproof containers. Silas Perkins Park, next to the Arundel Yacht Club, is not part of the AYC. Members can explore use of the park by contacting the Town of Kennbunkport’s Parks & Recreation Department at 207-967-4304.

  • The Arundel Yacht Club does not have handicap accessible restrooms. If there is a need, the Host Member is responsible for the rental of a portable handicap accessible restroom unit. Please coordinate the delivery and pick-up of such a restroom with the Club Manager.

                                                                                                                                                               Revised 5.14.2018

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 51 Ocean Avenue,  PO Box 328,  Kennebunkport,  Maine   04046       

207-967-3060       ©2024 by Arundel Yacht Club

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